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Decline an Appointment

If you are not available at the time that the appointment is being arranged then set a time that is convenient for you.

  • I’m sorry, I can’t make it then.

  • I’m afraid it’s not possible this afternoon.

  • I’ll call back to reschedule for another time.

  • No, I’m not available on the 27th.

Cancel an Appointment

It is important to call to cancel an appointment if you are not able to make it.  Many healthcare providers require  24 hours’ notice to cancel an appointment.

  • I’m sorry, I can’t make it then.

  • I’m afraid I will have to cancel my appointment.

  • I’m sorry but I will not be able to make it for my appointment.

  • Can I cancel my appointment for today and reschedule for tomorrow?

  • Is it possible to reschedule my appointment?

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